
We have no idea where cazadorhell lives but they spend a lot of time going out in Clive. They have rated 2 places, giving them an average of 3 stars.

This member hasn't been around in quite a while... We miss you, cazadorhell.

cazadorhell's latest reviews

cazadorhell gave Mazatlan Mexican Restaurant 5 Stars

Mazatlan is awesome! I just had a horrible experience at a different mexican restaraunt (Cazador) and it inspired me to end on a positive note by giving my accolades to Mazatlan. This is a great plac... (see full review)

cazadorhell gave Cazador 1 Star

If I could take away stars for this restaraunt, I would. The previous posts were eerily similar to our experience. My husband and I had previously enjoyed our visits here and purposely drove to Anken... (see full review)