Plaza Lanes Family Sports Complex

Write a review for Plaza Lanes Family Sports Complex

by Shannon

All the fun you can have in one place! Awesome food! Very clean! Customer service is wonderful! Awesome for kids and adults! Definitely a place to check out for fun!

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Tips for Plaza Lanes Family Sports Complex from foursquare users

Bryan B.

Hit the head pin

2 people have done this

Jon M.

A glass of water costs $0.10 so don't be thirsty or bring a dime ($0.20 if you're on a date.)

2 people have done this

Chad T.

Hit the pocket and wind up with a better score than Brian B.

1 person has done this

@PlazaLanesDM on Twitter

Test your skills Tuesday is back with 3 awesome sport patterns! #21-22 has Kegel's Dead Man's Curve (43')...

Congrats to Dallas Millard in our Monday Night 8x10 League with a PERFECT Game, 300!!!

Hey kids, check out this tournament we will be holding Tuesday Night! Call or stop in today to see Mel to sign...

We'd like to congratulate the top 5 of today's Redeye Tournament: 1st Ron Paustian $180 2nd Darin Galbraith $120...

It's nice and dry inside Plaza Lanes this morning, stop in to bowl in our Redeye Tournament, or some Beat the...